Too and To

What is the difference between too and to?


(1) Too means as well. For example: (2) Too conveys the idea of in excess. For example:


(1) To is a preposition. For example: (2) To shows the infinitive form of a verb. For example:

Too and To

There is often confusion over the words too and to. Both words have two uses. This infographic summarizes the different uses of to and too:


Too has two uses:

(1) Too means as well or also. .

(2) Too portrays the idea of in excess or more than it should be. .


To has two uses:

(1) To is used in expressions like to walk, to run, to paint, etc. (These are all verbs in their infinitive forms.) .

(2) To is used in expressions like to the park, to the postman, and agree to a proposal. (The word to in these examples is a preposition.) .

A Test on Using Too and To

A Quick Test

What Is a Preposition?

The word to is a preposition. Prepositions show the relationship between at least two words in a sentence. Words like on, in, and by are also prepositions. There are lots of others.

Read more about prepositions.

What Is the Infinitive Form?

Verbs are doing words (e.g., to dance, to sit, to fly, to think).

When to is in front of a verb, the verb is said to be in its infinitive form. Read more about verbs.

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See Also

What are nouns? What are verbs? List of easily confused words