Objective Personal Pronouns

What Are Objective Personal Pronouns? (with Examples)

The objective personal pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, them, and whom.

Objective personal pronouns are used when they are: Objective personal pronouns are personal pronouns in the objective case. The objective case contrasts with the subjective case, which is used to show the subject of a verb. For example:

Examples of Objective Personal Pronouns As Direct Objects

Here are some examples of objective personal pronouns as direct objects: Read more about the direct object.

Examples of Objective Personal Pronouns As Indirect Objects

Here are some examples of objective personal pronouns as indirect objects: Read more about the indirect object.

Examples of Objective Personal Pronouns As the Objects of Prepositions

Here are some examples of objective personal pronouns as the objects of prepositions (prepositions in bold): Read more about the object of a preposition.
Read more about prepositions.

Not All the Pronouns Change Their Forms

Objects (i.e., direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions) are always in the objective case. In English, this only affects pronouns (but not all pronouns). Here is a table:
Subjective PronounObjective PronounComment
youyouNo change
ititNo change
whowhom More on who & whom

A Quick Test


Who is to whom as he is to him. For example:

Direct Object Indirect Object Object of a Preposition

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See Also

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