Many and Much - the Difference

Use many with a plural noun. For example: Use much with a singular noun. For example:

Much and Many

The words much and many both mean a lot of. As a result, they are sometimes confused.


The word much is used with a singular noun. For example:


The word many is used with a plural noun. For example:

Much and Many Tend to Be Used with Questions or Negative Clauses

The words much and many tend to be used in questions or negative clauses. For example:

Much and Many in Positive Clauses

When used in positive clauses, the words much and many tend to be used with terms like as, so, and too. For example: It is possible to see much and many used in positive clauses without terms like as, so, and too, but most native English speakers will naturally choose a lot of or lots of instead of much and many in those circumstances. For example:

A Quick Test


When used to modify a noun, the words much and many are classifed as indefinite adjectives. Other common indefinite adjectives are each, any, few, most, several, and some.

Read more about indefinite adjectives.


Nouns with a plural form are called countable nouns. Therefore, many is used with countable nouns. Countable nouns contrast with non-countable nouns. Non-countable nouns do not have a plural form. Therefore, much is used with non-countable nouns.

Read more about countable nouns.
Read more about non-countable nouns.

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See Also

What does singular mean> What does plural mean? What are countable nouns? What are indefinite adjectives? What are non-countable nouns? List of easily confused words