Dative Case

What Is the Dative Case? (with Examples)

The dative case's main function is to show the indirect object of a verb.

The indirect object of a sentence is the recipient of the direct object. You can find the direct object by finding the verb and asking "what?" (or "whom?"). For example:

Most people will encounter the term dative case when studying a language other than English.

Examples of the Dative Case

Here are some examples of the dative case with an explanation of how to find the indirect object:

The Dative Case Is the Objective Case

In English, we use the term objective case for the dative case and the accusative case.

More Examples of the Dative Case

Here are some more examples of nouns and pronouns as indirect objects (i.e., in the dative case):

Prepositions Can Take the Dative Case

Particularly when studying other languages, you might encounter prepositions which take the dative case. For example, in German, the following take the dative case: aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, and zu.

In English, prepositions take the objective case. For example: In these examples, the words her and whom are known as the object of a preposition.

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See Also

What is the direct object? What is the indirect object? What is the objective case? What is the nominative case? What is the accusative case? What are intransitive verbs? What are transitive verbs? What are pronouns? What are verbs?