Simple Future Tense

What Is the Simple Future Tense? (with Examples)

The simple future tense is used for an action that will occur in the future.

Examples of the Simple Future Tense

Here are some examples of the simple future tense (shaded): Of course, you can also have the negative version, which is formed "will not" + "[verb in base form]": And, the question versions:

Forming the Simple Future Tense

Here is an infographic explaining the simple future tense:

The simple future is one of four future tenses. They are:
The 4 Future Tenses Example
simple future tense I will go
future progressive tense I will be going
future perfect tense I will have gone
future perfect progressive tense I will have been going

Forming the Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense is formed:

will + [base form of verb]

For example:

Contractions with the Simple Future Tense

Be aware that in speech and writing (particularly informal writing), it is common for will to be shortened to 'll. This is especially common when will follows a a personal pronoun (e.g. I, he, she).

Expressing a Negative with the Simple Future Tense

When expressing a negative, the simple future tense is formed "will not" + "[base form of the verb]". For example:
Be aware that will not is often shortened to won't in speech and informal writing.

Getting Some Emphasis in There

Be aware that will can be stressed for emphasis. (When looking for emphasis, you can't use the shortened versions.)
With the negative version, the not is stressed, but, again, you can't use the shortened version.

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See Also

Tenses Simple past tense Past progressive tense Past perfect tense Past perfect progressive tense Simple present tense Present progressive tense Present perfect tense Present perfect progressive tense Simple future tense
Future progressive tense Future perfect tense Future perfect progressive tense Glossary of grammatical terms