What Are Suffixes?

What Are Suffixes?

A suffix is added to the end of a word to change its meaning

Both prefixes (added to the front) and suffixes are affixes.

Examples of Suffixes

Here are some examples of suffixes: Most Common Suffixes. The four most common suffixes account for over 95% of suffixed words. They are -ed, -ing, -ly, and -es.

A List of Common Suffixes

Here is a list of common suffixes with some examples:
-able, -iblecan be done comfortable, passable
-al, -ialhaving the characteristics ofpersonal
-edpast-tense verbs (weak verbs)danced, jumped
-enmade ofgolden, wooden
-ercomparativetidier, nicer
-er, -or one who actor, narrator, worker
-estsuperlativenicest, greatest
-fulfull or full ofcupful, careful
-ichaving characteristics of linguistic, sarcastic
-ingverb form (present participle and gerund) dancing, singing
-ion, -tion, -ation, itionact or processattraction, attrition
-ity, -tystate ofhumility, infinity
-ive, -ative, itiveadjective form of a nounexpensive, plaintive
-lesswithout topless, fearless
-lyadverb ending nicely, quickly
-mentaction or process enjoyment, entrenchment
-nessstate of, condition of eagerness, kindness
-ous, -eous, -ious possessing the qualities oferroneous, joyous
-s, -espluraltables, foxes
-ycharacterized by fatty, happy, jumpy

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See Also

What are affixes? What are prefixes? Glossary of grammatical terms